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Do I need an account ?

Accounts are only needed if you would like to edit your submissions.

After you have 5 submitted files that have been approved, your account will gain some new features.
The most important one being that you can have a profile page to help boost your business, outreach, SEO, and your ‘street cred’.

What are the account tiers ?

  • When you sign up, you’re given a basic user account.
  • After you have an approved submission, your account is upgraded so you can edit your submissions.
  • If you have 5 or more approved submissions, you will receive another user account upgrade which provides you with a profile page for you and/or your business. Your profile page is to help boost your business, outreach, SEO, and your ‘street cred’.

Best Submission methods and suggestions.

  1. Choose the Max file version/year you will share.
    • If you are using a point-release feature, be sure to remember the point release number as to input the number into the submission form.
  2. Create a couple screenshots of your Max Scene. You will need these for the submission form. |
    • You can provide 1 Featured Image and 2 secondary images. (Less than 3MB each.)
  3. Pack the .Max file(s) and its’ needed assets into a .zip file.
    • include license info file and/or a readme file
    • If you are providing a project structure, be sure to include the Max project structure or the .Max file(s) and any scene assets needed. If you are using the Project Structure, be sure to inform users where the .Max file(s) is stored, it would be best to write this in the readme file or in the content-page-body of the submission.
  4. Decide whether you want to self-host the file archive or if you want to upload the file archive to the website (200MB Max when uploading to the site).
  5. Visit and fill in the submission form on the site.
    • Most Site visitors expect to see a video of a file in use to help understand the scene.
    • The submission form accepts Youtube links and auto embeds them.
  6. Any problems ? Contact us using the contact form.

Is there a Bulk Upload option ?

Contact us to discuss this.
You can work with Eric to make the process as easy as possible.


How do I report a site error or provide feedback ?

You can submit errors, feedback, suggestions through the contact form.

